Friday, May 29, 2015

Global Warming kills 1500+ people in Indian Heat Wave

                                             Global Warming is making India Hot Hot Hot

Global climate models (GCMs) predict that increases in the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere will result in increases in global temperature, and a direct manifestation of the global warming will be unusually long and intense heat waves.   Many countries around the world have experienced unusually intense heat waves in the last several decades, including India which experienced unprecedented heat waves in 2007 and 2010, the latter heat wave resulting in over 3000 deaths.  Now, eight years later,  global warming has produced an even more severe heat wave in India, resulting the death of over 1500 people so far.    Some people think the death toll associated with the current heat wave in India may actually have caused many more deaths then reported, because heat waves tend to disproportionately kill elderly people whose cause of death is usually attributed to their age rather then the heat wave.  By comparison, an unprecedented heat wave in Europe in 2003 is thought to have caused the deaths of up to 70,000 people, the vast majority of them being elderly.

Killer heat waves are one of the most obvious manifestations of global warming.  The instrumental data clearly shows that extreme heat waves are occurring more often and with greater intensity then seen in the past, consistent with global warming predictions.  

The global weather data collected so far this shows that 2015 is on track to be the hottest year seen on earth since instrumental records began to be recorded.  As more and more CO2 accumualtes in the atmosphere the earth will inevitably become even warmer, and with the hotter temperatures will come thousands and tens of thousands more deaths in India and other countries caused by global warming inducing more and more heat waves in the decades to come

And there's only way to stop it----  planetary geoengineering is the only possible way to counteract global warming.   

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